Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct 2024-2025

Student Life Suite * Center for Student Development *
Phone: (401) 254-3042 * Fax: (401) 254-3863


Behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct includes:

  1. Bias and Harassment

    Roger Williams University students recognize that respecting the dignity of every person is essential for creating and sustaining a flourishing University community. They understand and appreciate how their decisions and actions impact others and are just and equitable in their treatment of all members of the community. They act to discourage and challenge those whose actions may be harmful to and/or diminish the worth of others. Conduct that violates this value includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Any behavior against another person committed with bias, hatred or animus based on the person’s actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability, status as a protected veteran, pregnancy, marital status, or any other category protected by law;
    2. Harassment or the creation of a hostile environment based on race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, disability, status as a protected veteran, pregnancy, marital status, or any other category protected by law;
    3. Physical, verbal, nonverbal, written, electronic or technological harassment of another person, including harassment that includes but is not limited to social networking sites, online forums, audio or visual recording or photography;
    4. Intimidation; and
    5. Retaliation against any individual who has made a good faith complaint against another individual or who has participated in the Conduct Review Process, including cooperation with the investigation of the complaint.

    • See the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy and Bias Response Process for more information.

  2. Sexual Misconduct/Gender-Based Misconduct 

    Members of the Roger Williams University community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from sexual/gender-based misconduct and discrimination. The University will remedy all unwelcome conduct of a sexual/gender-based nature and will impose serious sanctions on anyone who violates this policy. Conduct that violates this value includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Sexual assault (including non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, or any attempt to commit such acts);
    2. Sexual harassment;
    3. Sexual exploitation;
    4. Dating violence or domestic violence;
    5. Stalking; and
    6. Illegal possession or distribution of pornography.

    • Formal complaints of sexual harassment will first be addressed through the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedures .

  3. Campus Safety 

    Roger Williams University students show positive regard for each other and for the community. Students are expected to uphold a high standard of civility and to be responsible along with all members of the university community for ensuring a safe and healthy campus. Behavior that violates this value includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Use of physical force or violence;
    2. Threatened use of physical force or violence;
    3. Fighting (physical or verbal);
    4. Disorderly conduct, which may include, but is not limited to, public intoxication or disturbing the peace
    5. Endangering or threatening health or safety;
    6. Intentional possession of a dangerous article or substance that may be used to injure or cause discomfort to any person;
    7. Possession or use of weapons or dangerous items, such as knives, firearms, ammunition, shell casings, BB guns, air guns, airsoft guns, fireworks, incendiary devices, explosives and items that resemble a firearm or other object capable of firing projectiles of any kind;
    8. Initiating or circulating a false report or warning of a bomb, fire or other emergency or catastrophe;
    9. Hazing, which includes but is not limited to, any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether occurring on University or other property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person, such as extended deprivation of sleep or rest, forced consumption of food, liquor, beverage, or drugs, beating or branding;
    10. Aiding, abetting, encouraging or participating in a riot, commotion or disturbance,
    11. Conduct that adversely affects the security of the University community, local residents or property, the name of the University, or the integrity of the educational process; and
    12. Actions which obstruct, disrupt or physically interfere with the use of University equipment (including safety and security equipment), premises, buildings, rooms or passages.
  4. Fire Safety 

    The following are examples of behaviors not permitted with regard to fire safety:

    1. Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire;
    2. Misuse of or tampering with fire safety equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, exit signs and pull stations);
    3. False activation of fire alarms;
    4. The creation of a fire hazard, (e.g., the improper use of electrical appliances or the improper use or possession of flammable or hazardous substances);
    5. Failure to evacuate a University building during a fire alarm or scheduled drill and/or the general vicinity of a fire;
    6. Igniting any material inside a facility without appropriate approval (including candles and incense); and
    7. Any behavior that places a facility or community at risk for fire, which include, but are not limited to, failing to properly tend to cooking, the use of outdoor tiki torches in the campus area, use/possession of hover boards, use/possession of appliances with heating elements that are not approved in residence halls, burning materials in an open outdoor space in the campus area and/or unsuccessful extinguishing of tobacco products.
  5. Alcohol 

    The University is committed to cultivating an environment that is safe and helpful for all of its members by providing education and resources that promote healthy lifestyles and responsible decision-making. A caring, safe, and well-informed community fosters an environment where all members can learn and thrive. To that end, we assist community members in understanding the risks associated with consuming alcohol and other drugs while seeking to minimize the harm to self and others caused by the misuse and abuse of these substances.

    The following is a summary of the University’s alcohol policy:

    Students who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to possess and consume alcohol in specified quantities, in designated University housing rooms in a manner that does not lead to incapacitation or abuse. Students who are of legal drinking age may not share or provide alcohol to any persons who are under 21 years of age. Those students who are under 21 years of age are not permitted to possess or consume alcohol anywhere on University property, at University-sponsored events, or off campus.

    Behavior that violates this policy includes, but is not limited to:

    1. The actual or intended purchase, possession or use of alcohol under the legal drinking age;
    2. Sale, manufacture or distribution of alcohol;
    3. Possession of alcohol that exceeds quantity limits. For students who are of legal age, the quantity limit per student is: 15 beers OR 1.5 liters of wine OR 1 pint of hard alcohol (no higher than 80 proof and not stimulant-enhanced), but not to exceed 60 beers OR 3.0 liters of wine OR 1 liter (2 pints) of hard alcohol, regardless of the number of occupants. Empty containers will be counted towards the quantity limits. Possession of kegs or other large alcohol storage devices (i.e., trash cans, beer balls) are prohibited;
    4. Presence at a gathering with underage drinking;
    5. Possession or use of drinking paraphernalia typically used or associated with excessive drinking (such as drinking funnels, beer bongs, beer pong tables, or taps);
    6. Operation of a motor vehicle, motorcycle or other motorized form of transportation under the influence of alcohol;
    7. Abuse (requiring medical attention, passing out, vomiting, loss of memory or hospitalization) or high-risk drinking activities, such as drinking large quantities of alcohol, consuming alcohol at an accelerated pace (chugging), use of alcohol with medication or other controlled substances, participation (present or active) in drinking games, and/or any activity that promotes irresponsible drinking;
    8. Use of alcohol containers, packaging or signage for decoration;
    9. Possession or use of alcohol, regardless of age, outside approved residence hall rooms or in alcohol-free spaces on campus including, but not limited to, designated residence halls (i.e., South Campus: Maple, Cedar, Willow, Stonewall, Baypoint) and academic buildings without prior approval and following the University procedures for serving alcohol; and
    10. Violations of other University alcohol policies or federal, state, and local laws pertaining to alcohol.

    • If an individual seeks medical attention for oneself or another person due to a medical emergency, the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution will not pursue disciplinary sanctions against the student who requested or received medical assistance for consumption or possession of alcohol or drugs. Medical Amnesty applies only to the possession or consumption of alcohol and drugs. It does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Medical Amnesty section of the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

    • For more information on alcohol, including resources for students experiencing alcohol-related concerns, see the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

  6. Drugs 

    Behavior that violates the University drug policy includes, but is not limited to:

    1. The actual or intended purchase, possession or use of illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled substances or prescription drugs without a prescription;
    2. Misuse of prescription drugs or controlled substances, with or without a prescription;
    3. Possession of drug paraphernalia (such as bongs, scales, pipes, etc.);
    4. The actual or intended sale, distribution, cultivation or manufacture of illegal drugs, narcotics, controlled substances or prescription drugs;
    5. Presence at a gathering with illegal drugs, controlled substances or drug use;
    6. Operation of a motor vehicle under the influence of or impaired by drugs; and
    7. Violations of other University drug policies or federal, state, and local laws pertaining to illegal drugs and controlled substances.  

    • If an individual seeks medical attention for oneself or another person due to a medical emergency, the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution will not pursue disciplinary sanctions against the student who requested or received medical assistance for consumption or possession of alcohol or drugs. Medical Amnesty applies only to the possession or consumption of alcohol and drugs. It does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Medical Amnesty section of the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

  7. Theft and Abuse of Property 

    Roger Williams University students are expected to respect property that belongs to other people, the community, or to the University and to use such property with due care, and only when authorized to do so. Behavior that violates this value includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Actual or intended theft or unauthorized use or possession of the resources, property or services of the University or of another person, business or government;
    2. Unauthorized use of the University’s name, logo or seal;
    3. Unauthorized use of ATM cards, cellphones, credit cards, checks, long distance accounts, identification cards, key combinations or key duplication, passwords, PIN numbers or other property, equipment or accounts belonging to the University or another person, business or government;
    4. Possession, use or sale of resources, property or services which the student knows or should know have been stolen;
    5. Unauthorized entry (including forcible entry), use, presence in or occupancy of any premises or facilities; and
    6. Vandalism or reckless damage to or destruction of University property or the property of others.
  8. Failure to Comply 

    A failure to act in accordance with the directions of University officials acting in performance of their duties or to comply with any authorized sanction as assigned by the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or other University official.

  9. Dishonesty 

    Roger Williams University students exemplify honesty, honor and a respect for the truth in all of their dealings. Students are expected to be honest and respectful in all of their interactions with the administration, faculty, staff and fellow students. Behavior that violates this value includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Violation of academic integrity, including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration;
    2. Manufacture, sale, possession or use of falsified forms of identification;
    3. Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of student or University documents
    4. Knowingly furnishing false information;
    5. Misrepresentation, fraud or deceit;
    6. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a panel or hearing officer in the Conduct Review Process; and
    7. Knowingly bringing a false complaint against another person.

    • For more information about academic standards and the academic integrity review process, see the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

  10. Smoking and Vaping 

    Smoking and vaping is prohibited on Roger Williams University property, with the exception of vaping and tobacco use in the designated smoking gazebos as illustrated on the designated smoking area map. More information on the smoking policy can be found in the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.

  11. Information Technology 

    Students are responsible for knowing all policies related to information technology use at RWU, including, but not limited to, acceptable use, copyright infringement, wireless airspace, active directory, and email. For more information, see the University’s Information Technology Policies.

  12. Other Prohibited Conduct 

    1. Violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations;
    2. Violation of any University policy or regulation set forth in official University communication, policies, agreements, handbooks or websites;
    3. Violation of the Good Neighbor Policy;
    4. Unauthorized operation of a business on University property or use of University resources;
    5. Any conduct by a guest of a student that violates University rules or policies including the Student Code of Conduct (Note: Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests.);
    6. Conduct that interferes with student learning or with the mission of the University;
    7. Behavior that would offend or frighten a reasonable person; and
    8. Aiding others in violating a University policy or being present during a violation of University policy. Students are encouraged to report violations of policy and/or remove themselves from participation.

Administratively revised August 2023.

For a full list of Roger Williams University's policies go to the Policies & Guidelines page.