Professor Luis Carranza is offering a Fall 2024 graduate seminar course “(Re) Inventing Living: Modern Experiments in Latin American Housing” at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Preservation and Planning (GSAPP)
Adjunct Professor John Tschirch provided the introductory remarks on “The Iconic Trees of Newport: Past, Present and Future” at the Preservation Society of Newport County’s event
After four years at Roger Williams University, senior Rachel Borzone will receive her diploma later this month, but her academic journey at RWU won’t end there. The Architecture major and Sustainability Studies minor from Syosset, N.Y., has enrolled in the Master of Architecture program and will also pursue a Real Estate Certificate this fall.
When she started college, Renee Parry majored in art and pictured herself in a career as an illustrator. But she soon realized that while she loved the creative nature of the art major, she yearned for a more technical field.
Professor Gail Fenske, Professor and Program Director in Art and Architectural History, gave the March 28, 2024 Goldberg Lecture at Vanderbilt University, entitled: “New Perceptual Experiences: Architects, Artists, and the Skyscrapers of New York”.
Architecture, Construction Management, and Engineering majors in the Freedom by Design club gain hands-on experience, working with the town’s Parks and Recreation Department
Cummings School and RWU Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD) convened its 2nd Annual Spring Job Forum February 24-March 5, 2025, featuring visits by 17 firms over the two week period.