Construction Management Grad Reflects on RWU Experience

Headshot of Luke Wassel '22

Luke Wassel, RWU Class of 2022

Construction Management
Business + Sustainability Studies

What is your Major/Minor?
Major: Construction Management
Minor: Business and Sustainability
Core Concentration: Sustainability

What internships have you had?
Harding and Smith, a mechanical contractor in Walpole
Compass Project Management in Norwood
Skanska in Chelsea
CE Floyd in Bedford

What major projects have you been a part of?
Stoughton High School, Chelsea viaduct, CE Floyd

What are your post-grad goals?
Super or PM, Shawmut

What was your favorite course and why?
Materials and methods labs, Building Systems

Extra-Curricular activities:

Why did you choose RWU CM?
Very structured program, wide variety of courses