RWU community welcomes 925 new first-year students and 85 new transfer students; university leaders encourage them to dive into hands-on learning and community engagement opportunities.
In her remarks the Juris Doctor and M.A. in Cybersecurity dual degree recipient will urge her fellow graduates to be open to what comes next in their journeys.
By Mel Thibeault, Jordan J. Phelan ’19, Triniti Brown ’26, and Jordan Durfee ’24
At the Student Academic Showcase and Honors, undergraduate and graduate students across all schools presented their research and capstone projects to the RWU community.
Members of RWU’s Cybersecurity and Intel Club competed at the Northeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition in March, propelled by their collaboration and expert faculty mentorship.
In the Criminal Investigations course, undergraduate students learn alongside criminal justice professionals through mock crime scenes and real-life operating procedures