Presidential Search Updates

Thank you for engagement in the Open Forums

Dear Roger Williams University community,

Thanks to all of the members of the University community who were able to attend the various open forums and listening sessions that were held last week. By our informal counts, we believe we were able to interact with more than 160 members in person to discuss the characteristics and role priorities for our next RWU president. The input from these sessions is greatly appreciated and provided critically important data for the drafting of our candidate documents.

Although the listening sessions have concluded, the listening continues. Due to feedback during the sessions this past week, the Position Profile survey will remain live through the end of the day, Thursday, Sept. 13, to allow as many voices as possible to be included in this stage of the process. You can access the survey through this direct link:

Our search committee will meet and review the first draft of the profile on Sept. 21. Shortly thereafter, the Position Profile will be shared with the campus community for feedback before a final draft version is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Throughout the entire search process, we remind you that general comments can always be shared with your name or anonymously on the Presidential Search Website:

Thank you for your engagement to the search process.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Baxter ’83
Co-Chair – Board Trustee

Jerrold Lavine HD’09
Co-Chair – Board Trustee

Marcia Morris
Co- Chair – Board Trustee

Presidential Search Updates