Virtual Appointments

Dear All,

I hope this message finds you well and in good health.  

Please see below for my open-door schedule and the means for scheduling an appointment with me or my TAs.

This coming week, I will hold an open-door hour on Wednesday 4/1 from 1:00–2:00 p.m.

Scheduling Appointments

Dr. Kishbaugh

To schedule an appointment:

To attend an appointment:

All appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis, but please limit yourself to One Meeting per Week. NOTE that the default setting on the site is for “Research Appointment (30 minutes),” but each of my appointments will begin at the TOP of the Hour and can last up to 45 minutes.

Teaching Assistants

Garrett Gee

Caitlyn Forrester-Johnson

Morgan Moniz

Directions for Online One-on-One Meetings

To schedule with either my TAs or me: Click on the link after the name of the person with whom you would like to schedule an appointment and choose between the available days and times.

IMPORTANT: When the day and time comes for your meeting, simply click the Zoom link also provided after the name of the person with whom you have an appointment. That link will then take you to a Zoom meeting room where either my TA or I will be waiting for you. If you happen to arrive before the person with whom you have an appointment, the site will simply alert you that the meeting has not yet begun and will then automatically move you into the room once the host arrives.

To avoid overlap and allow the TAs and myself some time to regroup and make necessary adjustments, all appointments will now run for a max of 45 minutes.

Do know that I and my TAs only take appointments one week at a time and only begin taking those appointments on the Friday prior to the week in question (which is listed in the subject line of this email). Should you make an appointment with a TA further than one week into the future, your appointment will likely be cancelled.

Please let me know if you have any questions or desire any clarification on my and my TAs’ scheduling policies.  

Directions for Virtual Open-Door Hours

To attend these hours, simply go to the “LAW.O.L.A-20/SG LAW BRIDGES”courseon Bridges. If you cannot find the course in the banner at the top of your home screen, click on the “sites” button on the top right of the page, and you should be able to access the course from there. You can also add the course to the list of those that automatically appear as favorites in that bar atop the page.

Once you have entered the course, simply click the “Meetings” tab and “join” the “Dr. Kishbaugh’s Open-Door hours” meeting I have set up. Once in the meeting, you can choose how you would like to participate—with video, audio only, and text chat all among the available options. You can use these hours to ask me anything about class or your writing or you may simply use them to catch up with me and speak to someone outside your home. I’ll be glad to discuss anything with whomever shows up.

To prevent the cacophony of simultaneous voices and allow for individual privacy, I will, as moderator, move each attendee in their own private break-out room. I will then move from room to room to answer questions in the same manner as I would during in-person office hours.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or I can ever be of service or assistance.

Justin R. Kishbaugh M.F.A., Ph.D.