Registered Sex Offenders in the State of Rhode Island
The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act provisions appear in subsection (j) of the Wetterling Act [42 U. S .C .14071 (j)]. As provided in subsection (j) any person required to register under a state sex offender registration program must notify the state concerning each institution of higher education in the state at which the person is a student or works, and of each change in enrollment or employment status of the person at such an institution. State procedures must also ensure that information concerning a registrant enrolled or working at an institution of higher education is promptly made available to a law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the institution is located, and entered into the appropriate state records or data system. In accordance with requirements of the CSCPA as well as under section 121 of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (42 USC 16921), information concerning registered sex offenders employed, enrolled as a student, or carrying on a vocation at this institution can be obtained, to the extent permitted by law, by contacting the Sex Offenders Community Notification Unit within the Rhode Island Parole Board at (401) 462-0905. In Massachusetts, find information online.