Roger Life Stories

Roger Life: International Team Experience Prepares Double Major for Finance Career

By Anna Cohen
Takara McDermott

International Business and Finance double major Takara McDermott '21 will be headed to New York City after graduation to start her career as a Client Service Associate at Morgan Stanley. 

Internships and Connections: "I've had really great professors for my whole experience at Roger, especially in the Gabelli School Business.  My advisor, Minoo Tehrani, provided me with a lot of internship opportunities and connections. One of her former students is the founder of a sustainable energy company in Arizona, so I did a remote internship with her last semester."

International Experience: "I studied abroad for two semesters [junior] year. I spent the entirety of the fall semester at an International School in France, and then halfway through the spring semester, since COVID happened. There were about, 120 kids in our program and nine of them were Americans. I made lifelong friends from all over the world that I never would have met otherwise."

Confidence in Teamwork: "It requires different skills to work successfully on an international team. There are language barriers and cultural differences, but working through them taught me so much. Working on a team seems pretty easy to me now. It gave me a lot of confidence and taught me that I can handle more than I thought."

McDermott is from Wells, Maine. 

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Roger Life Stories