
Welcome to the Roger Williams University Procurement Card (“P-Card”) program provided to us by US Bank. The P-Card provides an extremely efficient and effective method of purchasing goods and paying for legitimate business-related expenses incurred by University faculty and staff

The P-Card is a purchasing tool that offers an alternative to the existing procurement processes and is primarily designed to replace purchase orders and check requests for expenses with a value of $2,500 or less. The P-Card concept is designed to delegate authority and to give users the capability to quickly and conveniently purchase approved commodities directly from vendors that accept Visa. However, the program is not intended to avoid or bypass the appropriate procurement or payment procedures in place.  Rather, the program complements the existing processes available.

To obtain a P-card, please complete the request form and forward it to Kathy Kanterman, Director of Purchasing. The application must be submitted by the applicant's manager to indicate their approval to issue the P-card.

P-card Policy
P-card Request Form
US Bank P-card Cycle Calendar
P-card Missing Receipt Form